About the Journal

  • Focus and Scope

The Reflection and Critique Law Magazine  has the mission to ensure the national and international academic community a space to stimulate research and the dissemination of its results in the fields of knowledge of law and the ones alike, promoting debates, stimulating reflection and criticism on all current issues of law.


Peer Review Process

Articles sent The Reflection and Critique Law Magazine will be evaluated by two opinions, in the blind review system. The scientific committee is composed of professors with PhDs and masters, working in the areas of interest of the journal, belonging to the various educational institutions in the country and abroad.


The Reflection and Critique Law Magazine is published every six months.

Open Access Policy

This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that by making scientific knowledge available to the public free of charge can provide greater world democratization of knowledge.



The Reflection and Critique Law Magazine is a biannual publication, linked to the Law Course of the University of Ribeirão Preto - UNAERP and is intended for the dissemination of unpublished scientific works, with topics related to law, preferably current and relevant topics.

The main objective of REFLECTION E CRITICAL DO DIREITO MAGAZINE is to promote the discussion of controversial topics, stimulating the debate among legal practitioners and researchers, regarding relevant issues for Brazilian society.

In addition to publishing scientific works, the journal intends to disseminate and share its editions with research institutions, other journals and databases with a view to expanding knowledge about the subjects discussed in its contents.

Thus, researchers and other operators of the right to submit their works are invited, in the expectation that, once selected, they will be part of our privileged space for debates.


  • Journal history

REFLECTION E CRITICAL DO DIREITO REVISTA is a scientific journal, linked to the Law Course of the University of Ribeirão Preto - UNAERP, Ribeirão Preto Campus, created in 2013 and which aims to disseminate ideas, reflections and criticisms on current and relevant aspects of Law and its auxiliary sciences.