
  • André Karam Trindade UNIFG
  • Williem da Silva Barreto Júnior UNIFG


Global Constitutionalism, Guarantee, The Plataform, Don Quijote, Law and Cinema


The contemporary constitutional paradigm is in a permanent state of crisis, due to the weakening of the rule of law, the degeneration of public authorities and the subjugation of political forces. Such reality, illustrated in the film “The Platform”, and present, centuries ago, in the classic work Don Quijote de La Mancha, it is currently corroborated by a void of public law in spaces of a private nature, which leads to the sterilization of social bases, to the compromise of popular representations in the elective spheres, to the manipulation of government agencies at the cost of the community and, therefore, to the recurrent violation of fundamental rights. Whereas securing the hegemony of savage and unregulated economic powers will lead humanity into an unprecedented hecatombe, it is the purpose of this excerpt, that correlates cinema, literature and guarantism, present the still utopian global constitutionalism, of Luigi Ferrajoli, as a possible vector to combat the current and serious unconstitutive processes of democracy.

Author Biographies

André Karam Trindade, UNIFG

Doutor em Teoria e Filosofia do Direito (UNIROMA3/ITÁLIA)
Professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito da UNIFG
Professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito da UNIVEL
Coordenador do SerTão - Núcleo Baiano de Direito e Literatura (DGP/CNPq)

Williem da Silva Barreto Júnior, UNIFG

Mestrando em Direito (UNIFG).
Especialista em Direito Processual Civil (FACINTER).
Graduado em Direito (UESB).


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How to Cite

Karam Trindade, A., & da Silva Barreto Júnior, W. . (2022). GIANT OR WINDMILLS? THE RESPONSE OF GORENG, FERRAJOLI AND QUIJOTE. Revista Paradigma, 30(1), 93–118. Retrieved from