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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Article submission will not be accepted when there is another one by the same author in the evaluation process;

Author Guidelines

REVISTA PARADIGMA prioritizes articles related to: Meta-rights, diffuse rights, class actions, civil rights and citizenship empowerment

a) Articles must be submitted online at: and will be evaluated by peer’s double blind review process, reason why the names of the authors must be removed from the article, and it must contain only the Title (Portuguese and English), abstract and keywords; abstract and keywords; introduction; development (topics and subtopics of the article); final considerations and references. The names of the authors will be inserted in the article only after the evaluation and acceptance of the article in the editing phase with a view to publication, being extracted from the submission metadata, which contains the names of the authors, emails, among other information. Thus, considering that it will be necessary to insert the names of the authors in the article as well as the data of the Journal before publication, an indispensable requirement is that the article be submitted in word format. It is requested that the title of the article be placed entirely in Upper Case (capital letters) and that the names of the authors have only the first letters of the name and surnames in Upper Case;

b) Before submitting an article, author must provide grammar verification. Journal’s editors might alter minnor issues related to grammar and layout at the originals files, however, the author written style will be respected. There will be no content modification. Once the article’s  author proceed with submission, it is implied his/her authorization to publish the article on our journal (REVISTA PARADIGMA);

c) REVISTA PARADIGMA shall publish only one author’s article per number. Articles must have, at the most, three authors (articles with more than three authors are not eligible for publishing). At least one of the authors must hold a PhD degree;

d) Article must obey the following rules:

1) Article must have between 15 and 25 pages (Word Doc.; OpenOffice or RTF in A4 format);

2) Article’s Layout: Upper and Left borders: 3 cm and Right and Lower borders: 2cm

3) Paragraphs must be justified with 2cm space on whenever starting a new paragraph (except the article’s title, authors’ names and references)

4)Line spacing must be 1,5 exce´t the ABSTRACT – which must be written in English, if the article was written in English, as well as a second language – just the abstract. The second language may be: Portuguese, Italian, German or Sapanish. Citations with more than three lines, references and footnotes must use “simple” line spacing.

5)  Article must be written in “Times New Roman”, size 12; except title, which shall use size 14. References must also be presented in size 12 (except citations with more than 3 lines, as well as footnotes, which must use size 10).

6) Expressions in laguages other than the article was written, or quotations must be designated in italics;

7) Titles indicating the article’s sections must be numbered (arabic numerals) from the left and separated by one space character;

8) Titles without numbers indicators (article title, abstracts and references) must be centralized with all letters in caps and bold;  

9) In case text is divided into sections, the primary section must be written in bold caps letters, aligned on left, writen on arabic numbers starting from 1 (when numbered), and separated from title, which preceeds only by a character space; secundary section: all caps letters; tertiary section: only the initials of each word in caps letter; Quarter section: only the initials of the first word in caps letter (according to NBR 6024:2012);

10) Citations must be elaborated by the author-data or numeric systems. In the first case, the citaton will be located along the article’s text, by the author’s last name or the name of each responsible entity up to the first punctuation mark, followed by the document’s publication date and the pages cited (when directly quoted), separated by comma and within parenthesis. In the second case (numeric system), citations must be presented as a footnote, the first citation being completed, and in both cases, complete references must be included at the end of article;

11) If the authors chooses do use the author-data citation system, footnotes will be used only for explanation. Its numbering must be done in arabic numbers, in an unique and consecutive manner;

12) Citations with up to 3 lines must be presented along the text, without any contrast, incorporated at the paragraph, between double quotation marks, with author’s citation, date and page; citations with more than 3 lines must be presented at a diferent paragraph, without quotation marks,  letters on size 10 and single line spacing, and 4 cm space from left border, with justified alignment; indirect citations must necessary be identified with author and its publication year; any other citation must follow NBR 10520:2002);

13) References must be indicated at the text’s footnotes (numeric system) and at the end of article or within its the text (author-date system). Bold letters should be used only at the article’s title, if there is author indication. This does not apply to works without identified authors, or responsability, which element is its own title, which shall be highlighted by the use of caps letters at the first word, excluding articles (indefinite or definite articles) and monosyllabic words. The reference list shall be in alphabetical order. On footnotes, references must be at the end of the text in which was cited, aligned from left starting from second line from same reference, under the first letter of first word, in a manner to highlight its author, using single space and without space between them. References at the end of entire article must be aligned on the left from the article’s body, in single spaces and separated between a single space.

14) Article must obey the following presentation sequency:

1) Title and subtile (if applicable) in portuguese, separater by two points;

2 Title and subtitle (if applicable) in english, separated by two points;

3) Abstract in Portuguese (between 100 and 250 words) followed by keywords separated by final point and space (minimum 3 and maximum 5) according to NBR 6028:2003;

4) Abstract in English (between 100 and 250 words) followed by keywords separated by final point and space (minimum 3 and maximum 5);

5) Indroduction, text’s body and conclusion;

6) References according NBR 6023:2002.

7) it is the responsibility of the authors to inform about the existence of research funding and approval by the Research Ethics Board when necessary.


Copyright Notice 

By submitting articles to REVISTA PARADIGMA, the author authorizes the publication of his/her article, in case of approval by peers, according to the journal’s double blind review system.



Os artigos encaminhados à Revista Paradigma deverão constituir trabalhos inéditos cujo foco esteja predominantemente centrado no âmbito dos Direitos Coletivos e na Função Social do Direito.


Gestão da edição dos números das revistas

Privacy Statement

Names and addresses informed to this jornal will be used exclusively for publication reasons and shall not be available for third parties or other purposes.