
  • Cristina Godoy Bernardo de Oliveira USP
  • Guilherme Adolfo dos Santos Mendes USP
  • Rafael Lima Sakr School of Law of the University od Sheffield (UK)


Hate Speech. Freedom of Expression and Democracy. Hatred and Intolerance.


Hate speech represents an offense directed at a group of individuals based on their gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, etc. The main problem of legally regulating hate speech is how to impose prohibitions without excessively limiting freedom of expression, a fundamental principle of contemporary Western democracies. Legal norms aimed at regulating hate speech must be drawn from the meaning of the term “hate speech” which is not pacific in the doctrine. The purpose of this article is to contribute to the legal-philosophical reflection on the term hate speech. First, the main debates related to hate speech will be presented, aiming to analyze how such debates have influenced Brazilian law on the matter. Using the dialectical approach method and the analytical and comparative procedure methods, it was concluded that, although there is no specific legislation in Brazil that takes care of the subject, there are several legal rules, bills and jurisprudence that deal with hate speech in a way like that presented by Jeremy Waldron.

Author Biographies

Cristina Godoy Bernardo de Oliveira, USP

Professora da Faculdade de Direito de Ribeirão Preto – USP. Pós-doutora pela Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne. Academic Visitor da University of Oxford. Doutora e Bacharel em Direito pela Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo. Líder do Grupo de Pesquisa Direito, Ética e Inteligência Artificial da USP-CNPq. Coordenadora do Grupo de Estudos de Direito e Tecnologia do Instituto de Estudos Avançados (IEA-USP). Membro do Centro de Inteligência Artificial (C4AI) da USP-FAPESP-IBM.

Guilherme Adolfo dos Santos Mendes, USP

Professor de Graduação e Pós-Graduação da FDRP-USP. Bacharel em Direito pela Universidade de São Paulo. Graduação em Ciências Navais pela Escola Naval. Mestre e doutor em Direito pela Universidade de São Paulo. Professor conferencista do IBET - Instituto Brasileiro de Estudos Tributários, Professor do Curso Jurídico FMB, auditor fiscal da Receita Federal do Ministério da Fazenda, e Conselheiro do Conselho Administrativo de Recursos Fiscais.

Rafael Lima Sakr, School of Law of the University od Sheffield (UK)

Lecture of the School of Law of the University od Sheffield (UK). Ph.D. na London School of Economics and Political Science. LL.M. na Columbia University of Law. M.Phil. na Universidade de São Paulo. LL.B. na Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo. Membro dos Grupos de Pesquisa: The Sheffield Institute of Corporate and Commercial Law (SICCL) e The Sheffield Centre for International and European Law (SCIEL).


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How to Cite

Oliveira, C. G. B. de ., Mendes, G. A. dos S. ., & Sakr, R. L. . (2022). HATE SPEECH: MEANING AND LEGAL REGULATION. Revista Paradigma, 30(1), 2–30. Retrieved from https://revistas.unaerp.br/paradigma/article/view/2645