
  • Milena Maria Muniz Xavier UNADES
  • Michele Del Pino FADIC - Faculdade Damas da Instrução Cristã


This article intends to analyze the recent proposal of social security reform, in contrast to the acquired rights emphasizing the important guiding principles of social security, as the example of the principle of the dignity of the human person, which aims at a dignified life for the citizen. The present study seeks to investigate the changes that social security reform brings to the law and its effects on society. To what extent has the “right” been restricted or not in the face of changes proposed by the current government with a focus on issues such as increasing age and time spent contributing. This requires a brief history of the origin of social security rights to the present day. Starting as it came to its concept and consolidation. We will also see through the guiding principles whether the changes now proposed by the pension reform, as far as their scope violates or not the current normative law. The research took place in a bibliographical referential methodological way, through books, articles and works that deal with the theme and the Brazilian legislation in force.

Civil Law;  Retirement; Protection of the Law.

Author Biographies

Milena Maria Muniz Xavier, UNADES

Bacharela em Direito pela Faculdade Integrada Barros Melo; Pos-graduanda em Mediacao de Conflitos, Negociacao e Arbitragem pela Faculdade Novo Horizonte; Mestranda em Ciencias juridicas pela Universidad Del Sol. Advogada.

Michele Del Pino, FADIC - Faculdade Damas da Instrução Cristã

Mestra em Direito pela Faculdade Damas da Instrucao Crista; Conselheira da OAB Subseccao Olinda-PE; Presidente da Comissao de Direito do Trabalho da OAB Olinda-PE; Professora Universitaria; Advogada.



How to Cite

Muniz Xavier, M. M., & Del Pino, M. (2012). CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT 103/2019, LAW 13,846 / 2019, AND THE RETIREMENT FACTORS. Anais Do Congresso Brasileiro De Processo Coletivo E Cidadania, (8), 75–91. Retrieved from